Sofof... An Objects Database

You can add, remove and update data just by using java objects.

    statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO School VALUES ('"+student.getFirstName()+"', '"+student.getLastName()+"', "+student.getAge()+")");
    session.execute(new Bind(student).to("school"));

Saving objects is as easy as that!

You can forget SQL and all it's exhausting long commands.

Lego blocks
Easy To Learn & Easy To Use

Don't waste your time creating tables and configuring them. In Sofof you can start storing data immediately.

Remote & Local

You can use Sofof on a remote server or locally.

Authentication System

Different users with different accessibility. You can decide to allow or deny command execution from different users based on any condition you can code!

Fully Customizable

You can customize everything! Commands, Conditions, Communication, Serialization and Data Writing. Yes, Everything.

Xml file
XML Configuration

Do you love tidy work and you are fond of configuration files? Sofof supports you, even if it requires little to no configuration to work.

Very Fast

4x faster than SQLite! and many other databases.

Light As A Feather

Jar file is no more than 100kb and the database nearly doesn't store anything else your data.

Connected data

Sofof can build relations between objects so you don't need to duplicate the same data in the database.

Android Support

Sofof can run as a local database on Android!