Calculate Potential Energy without 3D Coordinates

As you know, force fields depends on the 3D structure of the molecule for calculating potential energy. However, in some cases we don't have initial coordinates as we are importing from chemical formats that doesn't support encoding 3D coordinates such as SMILES or we are have converted implicit hydrogens to explicit ones. In that case you have to follow some steps to get an initial 3D coordinates for your molecule. We will demonstrate loading molecule from SMILES as the worst case.

Load the molecule

Load the molecule from SMILES using CDK:

IAtomContainer container = new SmilesParser(SilentChemObjectBuilder.getInstance()).parseSmiles("CCCC");

Assign Atom Types

If your atoms are not propertly configured in CDK, then JME could give wrong results. This is true especially for assigning formal charges for nitrogens in your molecule.


Add Explicit Hydrogen

After assigning atom types you can add implicit hydrogens based on atom types assigned. Then make sure to convert the implicit hydrogens to explicit ones.


Assign 3D Coordinates For The Molecule

You can assign initial 3D Coordinates manually or use the CDK ModelBuilder3D to assign preferred atom positions based on your molecule.

ModelBuilder3D.getInstance(TemplateHandler3D.getInstance(), "mmff94", SilentChemObjectBuilder.getInstance()).generate3DCoordinates(container, false);

Finally you can calculate potential energy as normal.