Quick Start Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use Java Molecular Energy to calculate the potential energy of a molecule using the MMFF94 force field.

Install Java Molecular Energy

Before we can use Java Molecular Energy, we need to install it. Just add it as a dependency in you maven or gradle build system.


Load the Molecule

Next, we'll load a molecule into our program. You can use CDK readers to import your molecule as AtomContainer:

import org.openscience.cdk.ChemFile;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer;
import org.openscience.cdk.io.Mol2Reader;
import org.openscience.cdk.tools.manipulator.ChemFileManipulator;

ChemFileManipulator.getAllAtomContainers(new Mol2Reader(getClass().getResourceAsStream("molecule.mol2")).read(new ChemFile()));
IAtomContainer container = containers.get(0);

Make sure that your molecule doesn't have implicit hydrogens and all it's atoms have 3D coordinates. If you still have them you can see the following page.

Calculate The Potential Energy in MMFF94

Create a MMFF94 object and assign MMFF94 parameters to it. After that you can calculate the potential energy for your molecule:

MMFF94 mmff94 = new MMFF94(false);
System.out.println("Energy: "+mmff.calculateEnergy(container)+" kcal/mol");

And that's it!